Giving Tuesday Moonshine Rm

Thanks to a $150,000 matching grant from Otto Bremer Trust, any contributions you make to the Capital Campaign at this time will be doubled! Construction has begun on her new home at 2340 Winnebago Street!  The entire first floor will provide the space for Red Caboose to serve three times the number of children, and our community partner, Movin’ Out, Inc. will provide accessible housing on the upper floors.  The Capital Campaign will ensure the funds needed to complete this vital project.   “The collaboration between Red Caboose and Movin’ Out to build an expanded childcare facility and additional affordableMore…

Food Boxes

We are thankful for Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network and Partnership for a Healthier America (Good Food 4 All) for providing fresh produce throughout the fall season for our Red Caboose families. Today marked the last delivery date and we are thankful for these young men who delivered close to 1,200 boxes of food to Red Caboose over the past twelve weeks.  

Sara and Carlos Alvarado at Red Caboose Groundbreaking

Because of Red Caboose our children knew love – the deep unconditional love – that we all long for   Because of Red Caboose family became more than blood   Because of Red Caboose we experienced what it’s like when family is created, cultivated, in community with deep unconditional love   Because of Red Caboose our children are potty trained (we aren’t sure we could have done it on our own)   Because of Red Caboose we grew as a family – larger than our own selves – in a diverse, caring, compassionate, justice focused community   Because of RedMore…

groundbreaking photo with kids 1

This morning at 10am, despite rain and a chill in the air, supporters gathered to celebrate the groundbreaking for our unique project combining quality early childhood education and affordable and accessible housing. Jason Anderson, Red Caboose Executive Director, started the program with a welcome and introductions followed by Red Caboose Board Chair Aaron Stephenson.  Brian Benford from the Madison Common Council, and a former Red Caboose employee, shared some of his connections with Red Caboose and Movin’ Out and then introduced Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway who shared her support and announced additional financial support from the city of Madison for the project. Movin’More…

Moonshine room

As more and more people receive vaccines and we move beyond the pandemic we will be evaluating our procedures and easing restrictions in a phased approach as conditions allow.  We know many of you have questions, especially regarding when we will return to our regular hours at the Center and when parents will be able to enter the building again.  Please know that we are planning for those steps with the health and safety of everyone in mind and we will keep you informed as changes are made.

50 years

Established in 1972, Red Caboose is one of the oldest independent child care centers in Madison, and the first center to meet the city’s rigorous child care accreditation standards.  We are gearing up to celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2022.   Watch for history highlights and special announcements in the coming months.


Results from the largest research study of camper outcomes ever conducted in the United States confirmed that camps build skills necessary to prepare campers to assume roles as successful adults. Parents, campers, and camp staff independently reported growth in areas such as self-confidence, independence, making friends, exploring and learning new activities. Indeed, camp provides growth experiences for youth that can benefit them through adulthood.  Summer camp offers an unmatched opportunity to foster community and social-emotional development.  This summer we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of Camp Caboose!  Registration for summer 2021 camp programs begins March 1.  LEARN MORE

YoungStar Banner Photo

The Week of the Young Child® is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the world’s largest early childhood education association, with nearly 60,000 members and a network of 52 Affiliates. The purpose of the Week of the Young Child® is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. NAEYC first established the Week of the Young Child® in 1971, recognizing that the early childhood years (birth through age 8) lay the foundation forMore…


We are excited to report that our Red Caboose Teachers and staff are receiving COVID-19 vaccines!  Teachers and child care staff became eligible beginning March 1 and our staff have been scheduling appointments and receiving vaccines since then.  We want to express our appreciation to our staff for working with our children and families throughout this challenging and unprecedented year.  We are thankful for all of the staff at the vaccination sites and to public health for making these vaccinations a reality for our teachers.

natural playground 2

Please consider supporting our Press PLAY for Kids GoFundMe campaign to support our new playground fund at Red Caboose. You can support our efforts with a donation and, just as importantly, by sharing this campaign with your social media and email contacts. The success of a “crowdfunding” effort like this relies on getting the word out to as many people as possible. Thanks!

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